The Importance of Sport Safety Eyewear: Protecting Your Vision On and Off the Field

When it comes to sports, many athletes focus on equipment like helmets, pads, and the latest footwear. However, one critical piece of gear often overlooked is sports safety eyewear.

Whether you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, protecting your eyes should be a top priority. Wearing eye protection during physical activity that involves a ball/ puck/ shuttle should be normalized, and athletes who wear corrective lenses should be wearing sports frames rather than their everyday glasses for safety and efficiency when playing sports and training.

Protecting your eyes during sports is not just about avoiding injuries; it's about enhancing your performance and enjoying your activities with peace of mind.

Why Is Sports Safety Eyewear Essential?

  1. Preventing Eye Injuries

    Sports-related eye injuries are more common than you might think. Balls, flying debris, fingers, and even other players can pose significant risks. Sports like basketball, baseball, and racquet sports are particularly hazardous. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, approximately 90% of these injuries could be prevented with the proper eyewear.

    You may think ‘But I will just wear my every day frames for sports’… Regular glasses will shatter or break upon impact, posing a severe risk of injury from the glasses themselves, let alone the ball/ puck etc. Sport frames are designed to protect your eyes from flying objects, they are made to withstand impacts and protect the eyes from injury and are fitted with shatterproof lenses that can absorb and deflect the force of a hit, keeping your eyes safe - from the impact if the object and the glasses themselves.

  2. Enhancing Performance

    Clear vision is crucial for optimal performance, whatever your sport. Whether it’s tracking a fast-moving ball, reading the field, or focusing on the target, good eyesight can make a substantial difference to your performance and progress. Sports safety eyewear is designed to provide better clarity and wider peripheral vision - often with specialized colored and or coated lenses.

    Wearing corrective lenses in sports frames rather than your every day eyewear ensures that they do not shift, fog up, or fall off during intense movement so you can keep your eye on the game and perform your best.

  3. Protection from UV Rays

    Outdoor sports expose athletes to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can damage the eyes over time but also severe sunlight can impact play, making visibility difficult. Sports safety eyewear often includes UV protection, safeguarding your eyes from the sun’s harmful effects long-term and in the moment.

  4. Durability and Comfort

    Regular glasses are not built to withstand the physical demands of sports. Sports safety eyewear is made from impact-resistant materials like polycarbonate, providing superior durability. They are also designed to stay securely in place and offer comfort during intense activities as well as sweat barriers to stop perspiration from getting into the athlete’s eyes causing discomfort and impacting their vision. Sports frames can be customized to fit your specific needs, whether it’s prescription lenses, tinted lenses for outdoor sports, anti-fog coatings non-slip nose pads, adjustable straps, and lightweight materials, ensuring they stay put and feel comfortable even during prolonged activity. This customization ensures that you have the best possible vision and protection tailored to your sport and environment.

Sports safety eyewear provides essential protection, improves vision, and offers comfort and durability that regular glasses simply cannot match. Investing in the right sports frames with corrective lenses is a smart choice for any athlete, ensuring that you can play your best while keeping your eyes safe and healthy.

If you are interested in talking to us about sports safety eyewear, SHAQ EYE GEAR is available with new styles coming this year.

Contact ou customer care teams at: 1-914-708-1100 / 1-800-765-3700 (toll-free) /

Jenna Offerdahl